හිතවතී වට්ස්ඇප් සහ වයිබර් අංකය +94777711 (කාර්යාල වේලාවන්හි දී)199

හිතවතී වට්ස්ඇප් සහ වයිබර් අංකය (කාර්යාල වේලාවන්හි දී) - 07777 111 99

How to be safe during this disasters situation

Let’s beat COVID–19 !!!

Be aware…. Get ready… Act responsibly

Let us all work together against this outbreak of COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic around the world. Here are some steps to go ahead with:

  • Follow the instructions provided by the Health and Safety Sectors.
  • Follow proper safety procedures
  • Wash hands with soap and water regularly
  • Wear face masks whenever you are away from home
  • Stay home as much as possible
  • Always maintain the social distance if you happen to meet an outsider. (Make sure to always keep the distance of a meter )
  • Use online banking whenever possible
  • Be careful when using ATMs
  • Never share anything with outsiders
  • Always clean what we use
  • If you can work from home using your computer / internet, go for it. For more information, consult the system administrator of your organization over the phone

Stay vigilant of the following issues, especially when you use internet;

Be careful! Keep an eye out! Some Internet scammers will try to exploit the current situation and get you into online scams.

  • Here’s a description of possible scams and how to avoid them. Be more careful about the emails you receive. (How to identify scam E-mails)
  • Never give your password to anyone in any way.
  • Be very cautious when doing online transactions. Make sure the website you are dealing with is the actual company / bank. (There are many fake websites on the internet that look exactly like original website) See this article for more information.
  • You / your children may use internet. Learn how to cope up with the related vulnerabilities from this article.

So, let’s play our role to fight against Corona as a nation in a sensible manner.

We will keep you updated with more details about this. Stay with us on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/hithawathi

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