Personal Information. Don’t give out personal information without your
parents’ permission. This means you should not share your last name, home
address, school name, or telephone number. Remember, just because someone asks
for information about you does not mean you have to tell them anything about
Screen Name. When
creating your screen name, do not include personal information like your last
name or date of birth.
Passwords. Don’t
share your password with anyone but your parents. When you use a public
computer make sure you logout of the accounts you’ve accessed before leaving
the terminal.
Online Friends. Don’t
agree to meet an online friend unless you have your parents’ permission.
Unfortunately, sometimes people pretend to be people they aren’t. Remember that
not everything you read online is true.
Online Ads. Don’t
buy anything online without talking to your parents first. Some ads may try to
trick you by offering free things or telling you that you have won something as
a way of collecting your personal information.
Downloading. Talk
to your parents before you open an email attachment or download software.
Attachments sometimes contain viruses. Never open an attachment from someone
you don’t know.
Social Networking. Many social networking websites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Second
Life and MySpace) and blog hosting websites have minimum age requirements to
sign up. These requirements are there to protect you!
Research. Talk
to your librarian, teacher or parent about safe and accurate websites for
research. The public library offers lots of resources. If you use online
information in a school project make sure you explain where you got the