You can take a break from someone on Facebook when you change your
relationship status to single, divorced or leave it blank. You can also take a break from anyone you want to see less.
When you take a break from someone you'll be able to:
See less of someone: Limit where you see someone on Facebook. If you choose to see them
less, their posts and posts they're tagged in won't appear in your News Feed
and you won't be prompted to message them or tag them in photos. To see their
posts again, you can follow them.
Limit someone's ability to see your posts and posts you're tagged in: Hide your posts from the person
you want to take a break from. They'll be added to your Restricted List and will only see posts you tag them in or share publicly.
Edit who can see past posts: Limit who can see posts (example: photos, status updates, videos,
etc.) you're tagged in, or that you've tagged a person in by changing your
privacy settings. The posts can only be seen by the people that are tagged in
them. These posts won't appear on your timeline anymore, but will still appear
on other peoples timelines and search results unless the person who originally
posted them removes them. You'll also be removed as a contributor from any
shared albums you have with the person you want to take a break from.
If you're looking for other ways to take a break from someone, you can: